Children Policy
Reservations can be made by guests 18 years old or over. When arriving at the hotel, no guests under 18 years of age will be permitted to stay without being accommodated by a guest 18 years old or over.

Conversion Policy
All reservations, regardless of their origin, are payable in the local currency specified by the hotel/aparthotel. Foreign currency conversions are given as guidance only and are non-binding. Only the currency confirmed at reservation is guaranteed; if this currency is different from the one used at the hotel, the client will be liable for any conversion fees.

Non-UK VISA and Mastercard holders only
Where available, the £GBP amount will be converted to your ‘home’ card currency (e.g. Euros, USD, HKD etc.) and processed though our credit card machine, using a Best Rate Guarantee from our provider. Please advise us if you DO NOT want us to do this, in which case we will process the transaction in £GBP and the currency conversion will be undertaken by your card issuer using the conversion fee stipulated in your card agreement.